Restaurant remodeling can be a major investment, but it’s also an opportunity to transform your business and upgrade your space. But, this all ends with a specific cost.

Generally, the restaurant remodeling costs depend on many factors, including the scope and size of the project, type of building and location, type of materials used in the design, time that will be spent on each phase of the project, and the overall experience of a contractor in remodeling.

The benefit of restaurant remodeling or renovation is remodeling cost less than building a new restaurant. For example, if you’re building a brand-new kitchen or adding an entirely new dining room or restaurant equipment, you’ll likely have to purchase all new fixtures and appliances (exhaust system, lightning, microwave, etc.). Ultimately, you have to pay a large amount. On the other hand, if you’re simply updating an existing restaurant kitchen and changing fixtures or paint colors, these costs will be less substantial.

Restaurant Remodeling Costs: Factors to Consider

Factors Affecting Remodeling Cost

Restaurant remodeling costs involve various factors. These may include structural changes, strip-outs, labor costs, furniture, and materials. To help understand these, the best ways are to break down some of the most common expenses. Prices may vary depending on the area being renovated, labor hours, and the items needed. The following restaurant renovation cost guide gives your a brief intro to different factors that affect the overall budget.

  • Contractors and Labor

Planning to determine the average remodel cost requires budgeting for the large costs that come with engaging contractors and their labor. It can be helpful to connect with a local restaurant remodeling contractor in Los Angeles who is experienced in remodeling and familiar with the specifics of your dining area. Additionally, an interior or exterior designer may be beneficial to bring your ideas to life and create an attractive atmosphere.

The temptation to cut costs may be strong, but it is always best to “measure twice, cut once” when it comes to hiring a professional restaurant remodeling company and reliable labor. Going with the least expensive option may result in unsatisfactory or hazardous work, especially when plumbing, electric, and HVAC work are involved. To avoid the need to redo the remodel, it is essential to get things done right the first time, preventing problems that could lead to closure.

  • Permitting

Obtaining construction permits is not the priciest item on this list, yet it is an element to take into account. Your contractor should know the necessary permits for the restaurant remodel, however, the authorization process may take longer than expected. Not having enough permits or the appropriate ones may cause fines and penalties, thus, make sure to double-check all needed paperwork before starting the project.

  • Performing Utility Work

Utility work, including electrical wiring, gas lines, HVAC, and plumbing, is not always necessary when remodeling a restaurant. However, if there is a substantial change in the restaurant’s layout or an increase in its size, utility work becomes unavoidable. Connecting these utilities to new areas in the restaurant requires a significant amount of time to ensure everything is functioning correctly and safely.

  • Building Materials and Furnishings

Comparing prices at various suppliers and hardware stores is a great way to save money when remodeling a restaurant. You can also take advantage of out-of-season and overstocked items, which can lead to substantial discounts. Furnishings and materials can be one of the most expensive parts of the remodel, but this is also a great opportunity to express your creativity. Having a sense of what materials you need, such as flooring, windows, lighting fixtures, and seating will help you narrow down your search and help you find the best deals. Your contractors for restaurant remodeling may also be able to secure discounts through their relationships with suppliers.

  • The Cost of Not Being Opened

The necessity of restaurant remodeling also depends on the specific needs of business owners – whether it’s a larger space, modern lighting, or a refresh of your restaurant’s theme. Depending on the scope, your restaurant may have to close completely during the remodel, which can affect your staff’s availability too. For instance, when the kitchen is being worked on, cooking won’t be possible. But if only in-person dining is affected, you may still be able to reach guests through delivery, online orders, or outdoor seating, if available. Before starting, make sure to consider the potential loss of sales.

See also  Restaurant Remodeling and Renovation: Why Is It Necessary for Your Business

Average Restaurant Remodeling Cost in Los Angeles

To determine the precise initial budget of restaurant remodeling costs in Los Angeles, you must consider the following elements, such as the geographic location, any permits or planning needed, and the size of the project. Rather than providing a general estimate, we suggest using a three-point approach to arrive at an exact cost.

Rather than providing a general estimate, we suggest using a three-point approach to arrive at an exact cost. To get an estimate of the cost of Los Angeles restaurant remodeling, we recommend triangulating different factors such as the average cost per square foot to remodel in your geographic region, the cost of materials you plan to use, labor quotes from contractors, and feedback from restaurateurs who have recently remodeled. This approach will help you get a more accurate estimate of the cost of your restaurant to remodel.

See also  10 Low-Cost Remodeling Ideas For Restaurants

It is important to remember that restaurant remodeling comes with a hidden cost — the cost of being unable to open for business while the construction is underway. While some parts of the remodeling may still allow for take-out and delivery orders, if the kitchen equipment and utilities are still functional, the cost of being fully closed cannot be overlooked.

Average Cost of Remodeling a Restaurant

The member survey reveals that the median restaurant startup cost is around $375,000, with new construction at $650,000 and retrofitting a space for food service at $425,000. The average restaurant remodels cost for an existing restaurant space comes in at an estimated $275,000.

Cost Per Square Foot For Remodeling a Restaurant

The cost of remodeling a restaurant can widely vary, with a restaurant in a more expensive location like Los Angeles likely facing a substantially higher price than one in a less expensive area. Generally, builders and contractors estimate the cost per square foot to be around $200 to $300. This is a good starting point when considering the total restaurant remodel costs.

When planning your restaurant’s remodel, it is important to account for all expenses, including building materials and labor costs. Additionally, the type of restaurant can also influence the cost, as full-service restaurants are likely to require more costly elements than quick service or pop-up eateries.

See also  Restaurant Remodeling Checklist

Before delving into the details of restaurant remodeling costs, it is important to consider the size of the space, as well as the extent of the renovation that is needed. Both of these factors will impact the price range and amount of time required for the project.

What is the Average Time To Remodel a Restaurant

Most builders and contractors can give an accurate estimation of the time it will take to complete a restaurant remodel, usually ranging from 4-12 weeks depending on the size and scope of the project. To avoid any potential delays, it is wise to add a bit of extra time when estimating the completion date. This will help to manage expectations and give a better understanding of the effects of a prolonged timeframe.

Is It Beneficial To Remodel a Restaurant

Committing to remodeling a restaurant can be a daunting task, due to the numerous variables that come into play. However, taking the time to decide on the features to be updated will provide a pleasing experience for customers. And doing research into the contractors, designers, and materials needed for the project can help minimize risk and prepare for any potential issues that may arise.

Though the journey may be long, the end result will be worth it. Not only will customers be drawn in by the new décor, but your restaurant’s staff will have more energy in a new atmosphere.

Final Words!

When estimating the cost of remodeling an older building for a restaurant, contractors take into account a variety of factors that can impact the final price. This includes the condition of the building, the scope of work to be completed, and other potential unseen costs that may arise during the project. By taking all of these variables into consideration, We can provide a more accurate estimate for their clients.

Take help from contractors of LUX Construction Group for creating professional estimates quickly and easily. Our service representative will answer all your queries related to price range and cost estimation.